Friday, May 27, 2011

FIRST POST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is our first blog post ever (as you can tell from the title)!!!!! Just to let you know, there are two people writing this (Ann and Marie). We're teens with normal lives, NOT like those fake teens you see on TV and read about in books. We're dancers, we like music, and animals (except for stupid frogs). We don't like frogs because they WON'T SHUT UP!!!!

That was about both of us. Now we'll each write a paragraph about ourselves (this is Ann). I have a house full of dogs and brothers...ugh.
I LOVE to read, text, and talk. Three things that annoy me 1. my brothers 2. rap music 3. frogs. I really don't like writing (no clue why I'm doing this). I  enjoy taking pictures of animals and nature (except for frogs). Dancing is my life (jk). My life is full of dance, NJHS,student council,church,brothers,annoying frogs,and people. That's pretty much all I have to say.

Hey! It's Marie! I have a brother, but no pets (unlike lucky Ann). My house smells nice because we use lots of yummy-smelling candles. I love to read, sing, dance, write, and act. Three things that annoy ME 1.allergies 2.repeating myself 3.FROGS! Along with Ann, I'm in NJHS and student council. We both have braces, and we both want them off NOW(though I've had mine longer)!!!

We decided to write a blog because Ann's mom writes a blog, it looked interesting, AND we have no lives.

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