Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Strange Question

Marie and I are sooooooooooo thankful that someone actually READS our blog. This week I'm on staff at a local VBS. My job is with the little preschoolers. One of the children (not mentioning any names) asked me a very odd question on the first day of VBS. I was asked while we were watching a short video about trust which we do every morning about this child in the video who was black "Do people really have brown skin like that?" my answer was "yes of course". To this he asked "does brown skin taste weird?" now this I thought was a kind of strange thing to ask. Did he think that I've eaten skin or something. So I responded "I've never really tasted skin so I don't know." This is his reason for asking me such a question "Oh...well I bite my thumb at home so I wanted to know."
   I try my best not to see color, and only to judge people from what's in there heart. One of my adopted brothers is biracial and I had no clue he was adopted until I was about age eight (same with my other adopted brother) all I knew was that he's my brother and I love him. The one thing that gets on my nerves a lot is when people are mean to others or think that they're better then someone else just because their skin is lighter or darker then theirs. IT'S NOT FAIR TO JUDGE PEOPLE!!!!!!! And that was my humongous outburst about discrimination, all because a question a four year old asked me.

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