Monday, August 8, 2011

When You're 15...

Hey everybody, it't Marie! Last Friday (August 5th) was my brother's birthday. He's 15 years old now! I can't believe it! It seems like it was just yesterday when he was ten and started going to middle school and I was insanely jealous because I was still in elementary school. Those days were so long ago...

My brother and our dad go to the gym everyday to work out, and one day, they saw this one guy who was doing some serious heavy lifting. On the way home, my dad said, "Man, if I lifted that much, I'd be so tired that I'd fall asleep at the wheel!" To which my brother replied, "I could drive." Dad then said that he could drive home once we got to a soccer/softball field that's near our house. And Dad did let him drive! They drove out of the field, and at the exit there's a speed bump, which my brother didn't do so well driving over. He then started driving home at 20 mph. The field isn't too far away from our house, only about half a mile or so. When they got home, my brother parked the car (which took several tries). It's a good thing that Mom was at work, because if she was home, she would've been flipping out. She doesn't want my brother to drive because that means he's growing up.

It also freaks me out a little that he drove. It just reminded me of how old we're all getting. But no matter how old you are, you're never too old for birthday parties! My brother had one on Saturday. We played volleyball and had cake and he got presents. It was fun, but I still can't get over that he's 15!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Strange Question

Marie and I are sooooooooooo thankful that someone actually READS our blog. This week I'm on staff at a local VBS. My job is with the little preschoolers. One of the children (not mentioning any names) asked me a very odd question on the first day of VBS. I was asked while we were watching a short video about trust which we do every morning about this child in the video who was black "Do people really have brown skin like that?" my answer was "yes of course". To this he asked "does brown skin taste weird?" now this I thought was a kind of strange thing to ask. Did he think that I've eaten skin or something. So I responded "I've never really tasted skin so I don't know." This is his reason for asking me such a question "Oh...well I bite my thumb at home so I wanted to know."
   I try my best not to see color, and only to judge people from what's in there heart. One of my adopted brothers is biracial and I had no clue he was adopted until I was about age eight (same with my other adopted brother) all I knew was that he's my brother and I love him. The one thing that gets on my nerves a lot is when people are mean to others or think that they're better then someone else just because their skin is lighter or darker then theirs. IT'S NOT FAIR TO JUDGE PEOPLE!!!!!!! And that was my humongous outburst about discrimination, all because a question a four year old asked me.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Marie Goes to Washington (and Baltimore)

Yes, Ann, I am still doing this with you. I just wasn't sure if you were still doing it anymore. But then you came over the other day and said that you had made two new posts, so I decided that I'd do a post.

First, I'd just like to say hi to our readers.Hi!!!!! Sorry if I worried you guys with my disappearance. One of the reason I haven't written any posts lately is because my family and I went on vacation to Baltimore and Washington, D.C.

We left on a Saturday afternoon to drive to Baltimore. It was a looooooooong drive! We didn't get there until around 9 pm. Then, after a few days in Baltimore filled with the harbor, aquarium, and baseball games, we drove to D.C. to see monuments and museums.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


As you can tell from the title I'm going to be talking about dogs. More specifically my dogs. (again this is only Ann at the moment I'm not so sure Marie is writing this with me anymore)
This is the rat dog, really cute. But sometimes she drives me absolutely CRAZY. Let me explain why... she has a little toy monkey head, and if you even think about sitting down she'll make you throw it. Try to hide the monkey and she will search for it EVERYWHERE. My mom says that she's a brat. While the fat dog goes to sleep in a cage in the kitchen she gets a little pink princess bed that sits right in the middle of my parents bed. When we first got her my dad was upset because we didn't need another dog. But she's just so cute you just have to love her I mean come on look at that little face.
This is fat dog also cute but ten pounds overweight. She is a purebred shih tzu and is supposed to weigh around 15 pounds. All she really does is sleep and there's not much to talk about. Oh yeah you probably can't notice it in this picture but she has one blue eye and one brown eye.
        Right this moment both dogs are sleeping on my bed while I write this post (I'm very lucky dogs can't snore) That's all for now and if your reading this stay tuned there will be more. (but they probably won't be about the dog I've said all I can say about them)

Sunday, June 26, 2011


 Okay just so everyone knows this whole post is being written by Ann. The reason I chose to write about Eeyore and Peter Pan is that they are my FAVORITE Disney characters.   
          The reason I like Eeyore so much is the fact that an Eeyore stuffed animal was the first toy  I  ever got. So now I'm completely obsessed with Eeyore I have an Eeyore collection at home (weird I know).
       I really have no idea why I think Peter Pan is so awesome, but I do. I have read every Peter Pan book I can find including The Starcatcher series written by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. I really don't have any idea why I decided to write a post about Peter Pan and Eeyore but I hope you enjoyed it either way.

Friday, May 27, 2011

FIRST POST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is our first blog post ever (as you can tell from the title)!!!!! Just to let you know, there are two people writing this (Ann and Marie). We're teens with normal lives, NOT like those fake teens you see on TV and read about in books. We're dancers, we like music, and animals (except for stupid frogs). We don't like frogs because they WON'T SHUT UP!!!!

That was about both of us. Now we'll each write a paragraph about ourselves (this is Ann). I have a house full of dogs and brothers...ugh.
I LOVE to read, text, and talk. Three things that annoy me 1. my brothers 2. rap music 3. frogs. I really don't like writing (no clue why I'm doing this). I  enjoy taking pictures of animals and nature (except for frogs). Dancing is my life (jk). My life is full of dance, NJHS,student council,church,brothers,annoying frogs,and people. That's pretty much all I have to say.

Hey! It's Marie! I have a brother, but no pets (unlike lucky Ann). My house smells nice because we use lots of yummy-smelling candles. I love to read, sing, dance, write, and act. Three things that annoy ME 1.allergies 2.repeating myself 3.FROGS! Along with Ann, I'm in NJHS and student council. We both have braces, and we both want them off NOW(though I've had mine longer)!!!

We decided to write a blog because Ann's mom writes a blog, it looked interesting, AND we have no lives.